Sister Giant

In a previous post, I had mentioned this event organized by Marianne Williamson, well-known spiritual writer and teacher and Derrick Harkins of Union Theological Seminary, New York City. Marianne started planning this event in mid-November. She has previously had at least two other Sister Giant events in Los Angeles. The 2017 event was held in Washington DC.


The purpose of Sister Giant 2017 was to help individuals feel more empowered and to translate their spiritual advancement into actions which can be taken to ensure a just and fair society. I attended by live stream and was able to see a great deal of it. I intend to go back and watch in the archives those portions which I missed live.


Marianne had originally stated that her purpose was to make sure that everyone left that conference feeling “lit up” and ready to act in their community, improve lives, and translate spiritual growth into real life positive action. I really feel that she accomplished that. I felt very inspired by the speakers and at the end of the 2 ½ day conference, I was empowered and know that I will do my best to improve conditions around me wherever I can, whenever I can. I would strongly urge you to purchase an archived copy of Sister Giant 2017. This conference provided all that it promised and more.


Senator Bernie Sanders gave his usual impassioned plea for social justice on the first night. I really enjoyed hearing him. I have just finished reading his latest book Our Revolution. It was truly a star-studded cast of inspiring speakers, including Dennis and Elizabeth Kucinich, Jean Houston, Cenk Uygur of the Young Turks, Lisa Bloom, Karenna Gore, Alan Grayson, Michael Weiss, Rabbi Michael Lerner, Richard Eskow, John Fugelsang, and many others. Check it out!